Looking to learn about a specific technique or an ingredient? Here’s your go-to page guide for all the info on specific techniques or ingredients you’ll find within the pages of The Everyday Baker. Search alphabetically using the tool bar and you’ll find the “T.E.B.” page number to turn to solve all your baking questions.
With thousands of entries, the “T.E.B.” techniques (or “how-to’s”) apply to recipes in all mediums (books, online, magazines, you name it). With The Everyday Baker and this index by your side, you’ll be armed and ready for baking success!
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Aligning cake layers, 293
Almond flour, 162
baking varieties, 363
cutting and coring techniques, 122
types of, 363
cutting technique, 587
ripeness guide, 562
Asparagus, trimming, 70
Bacon, cooking, 534
Bagels, shaping, 454
Baguettes, shaping, 460–461
Baklava, cutting, 481
Balls of dough (cookie dough)
cookie shaping, 125, 127
flattening, 200
scooping dough, 125
freezing tip, 113
overripe, 113
ripeness gauge, 114
Bands, rolling pin, 149, 150
Bar cookie techniques
cutting, 137, 167
layering dough and crumbles, 188
lining pans, 135
Basil, chopping, 484
beating, to form a ribbon, 243
dividing evenly by weight, 235
folding, 53, 270
layering, 67
lumpy, 53
batter to form a ribbon, 243
cream, 212
egg whites, 154, 155, 212
whipped cream, 368
Beer, measuring, 82
Bench scrapers/scrapers, 502, 549
Berries, measuring, 304
Biscotti techniques
shaping and cutting, 148
straws, cutting, 160
Biscuit techniques
cutting in butter, size of, 80
flakiness, 80
ingredient temperature, 79
rolling out and cutting dough, 81
Blackberries, measuring, 304
Blind-baking pies and tarts, 51
Blueberries, measuring, 304
Boiling dough, 442
Bowls, clean, beating egg whites and, 155
Braiding dough, 432–433
Bread. See also Bread-making techniques.
choosing for French toast, 46
choosing for strata and bread pudding, 69
soaking for French toast, 46
stuffing pockets in, 72
Bread-making techniques (yeast breads). See also Quick bread-making techniques.
raiding dough, 432–433
covering dough, 428
crust crackling while cooling, 427
deflating dough, 477
filled loaves, shaping, 464–465, 515
finished temperature, 471
first rise, shaping after, 445
kneading dough, 449, 470
loaves, shaping, 436, 470–471
plastic wrap, working with, 546, 547
rising temperature and time, 431
round loaves, shaping, 410, 428
sponge and starters, 444, 470
water, amount used in recipes, 427
windowpane test for enough kneading, 470
Bread pudding techniques
assembling, 373
choosing bread for, 69
buttered, 90
making fresh, 43
Breadstick techniques, 555
Broccoli, cutting, 520
Brown butter, 16
Brûléeing, 386
Bun and roll shaping, 450–451, 477
Bundt cake pan preparation, 237
brown butter, 162
butter and sugar pan preparation, 237
clarified butter and ghee, 528
cutting in butter, 80, 502
in dry mixtures, 572
pea-sized, 80
roux, 517
sealing butter layer in dough, 510
softening tips, 233
Buttercream, 211, 285
Buttermilk powder, 459
Butternut squash, roasting, 358
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Cake techniques. See also Cupcake techniques.
aligning layers, 293
batter, beating to form a ribbon, 243
batter, dividing by weight, 235
batter, filling pans with, 270
batter, folding, 270
batter, layering, 67, 221
butter and sugar pan preparation, 237
cake bites, 240–241
cutting layers and frosting, 293
cutting sticky cakes, 248
frosting and glazing, 224, 293
fruit, spreading in bottom of pan, 273
fruit, topping cake with, 277
inverting cakes, 278
meringue disks, 212
pan preparation, 232
peeling parchment paper, 278
rolled cake techniques, 228–229, 282–283
serving in the pan, 288
spreading ganache and removing from pan, 249
springform pans, 249
unmolding and removing from pan, 215, 243, 249, 278
Caramel, making, 273
Caramelized onions, making, 518
Caraway seeds, grinding, 470
Cardamom, buying and storing, 147
choosing, 35
cutting to size for even cooking, 520
grating, 231
Cast iron skillet care, 122
Cauliflower, cutting to size, 520
grating Parmesan, 38
making ricotta cheese, 64
Cherries, pitting, 322, 578
block chocolate, 380–381
cocoa powder, sifting, 158
curls, shavings, and ribbons, 381
grating, 380, 381
melting, 302
shards, making, 250
Chocolate cookies, crushing, 330
Cinnamon, about, 463
Citrus fruit, peeling, 138
Cleaning techniques
bowls, before beating egg whites, 155
rolling pins, 501
sticky pans and utensils, 359
Cobbler techniques
hot fruit, dropping dough into, 581
pans for, 569
Cocoa powder, sifting, 158
coating ramekins in, 405
toasting technique, 235
Coconut milk, 318
Confectioners’ sugar, 116
Cookie crumb crusts, 300, 330
Cookie presses, 192
Cookie techniques
cookie presses, working with, 192
cutouts, 133, 142
cutting bar cookies, 137, 167
decorating, 143–146
doneness tests, 190, 202
flattening balls of dough, 200
layering dough, 152–153, 165
layering dough and crumbles, 188
lining pans with foil, 135
piping fillings, 170
piping meringue, 154–156, 206
rolling pin bands, 149, 150
sandwiching cookies, 133
scooping dough, 125
shaping and scoring dough, 130
shaping balls of dough, 127
shaping warm cookies around rolling pins, 194
spreading dough, 141, 194
Cooling cakes, 243
Corn kernels, cutting from cob, 90
Cornmeal, mixing, 402
Covering dough, 428
Cracker techniques
blending dough, 538
cutting dough pieces, 542
fraisage, 549
pricking (docking) dough, 537, 538
chopping technique, 110
fresh and frozen cranberries, 404
beating, 212
popcorn milk, making, 395
whipped cream, making, 368
Crêpes, making, 59
Croissant techniques
rolling, 510
shaping, 511
Crumb coats, 293
Crumb toppings, 572
Crumbles, assembling, 565
cookies, 330
sugar cubes, 307
Crust techniques (pies and tarts)
crushing cookies for, 330
double-crust pies with cutouts, 364–365
lattice crusts, 326–327
pie weights, blind baking, 51
puff pastry tart crusts, 483
Crusts, bread, crackling while cooling, 427
Cupcake techniques
filling, 245
frosting, 286–287
Curls of chocolate, 381
Custards. See also Pudding and custard techniques
Cutting and chopping techniques
apricots, 587
baklava, 481
bar cookies, 137, 167
basil, 484
cake layers, 293
dried fruit, 218, 598
figs, 577
ginger, 218
heating knives, 248
jalapeños, 83
leafy herbs, 484
mangos, 585
nuts, 304
oranges, 501
rhubarb, 561
sticky cakes, 248
tropical fruit, 319
vegetables, 520
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Danish, filling and shaping, 515
Deep frying
donuts, 62
techniques, 63
Deflating dough, 477
Docking (pricking dough), 537
Doneness tests
caramel, 273
cookies, 190
pudding, 388
Donut techniques
cutting out donuts, 63
deep-frying techniques, 62, 63
filling donut pans, 42
Double-boilers, 315, 376, 390
boiling, 442
braiding, 432–433
covering, 428
deflating, 477
filled loaf techniques, 464–465, 515
flattening balls of, 200
kneading bread, 449
laminating for croissants, 510
layering for cookies, 152–153, 165
layering with crumbles, 188
lining tins with, 75
pasta rollers, 552
phyllo (filo) dough, 480, 492, 506
pressing into pans, 130
pricking (docking) dough, 537
rolling between parchment, 133
rolling into ropes, 432
rolling over pie plates, 364–365
round bread techniques, 410, 428
scooping for cookies, 125
sealing butter layers in, 510
spreading for cookies, 194
squaring up, 549
Dough hooks, 449
Eggs and egg whites
beating, 154, 155, 212
meringue, making, 154–156, 315
meringue disks, 212
mixing into batters, 65
separating, 371
Empanadas, folding, 498
English muffin techniques, 474
trimming and cutting, 577
types of, 576
cookies, 170
cupcakes, 245
pastry bags, 205
Flatbread techniques. See also Cracker techniques; Pizza
pizza stones, 544
plastic wrap, working with, 546, 547
shaping and cooking techniques, 529, 535, 547
almond flour, 162
roux, 517
Foil, lining pans with, 135
Folding batter techniques, 53, 270
Folding dough techniques
croissants, 510
empanadas, 498
phyllo dough triangles, 506
turnovers, 355, 489
Fraisage, 549
Freezing bananas, 113
French toast techniques
choosing bread for, 46
filled pockets in, 72
soaking bread, 46
Frittata techniques
assembling and cooking, 38
removing from pan, 40
Frosting and icing
buttercream, 211, 285
cakes, 224, 288, 293
consistency tips, 144
cupcakes, 286–287
frosting and glazing, 224
making frosting, 289
spreading ganache, 249
Frying and deep frying, 62, 63
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Galette techniques, 308
Ganache techniques, 249
Garlic, roasting, 50
dessert molds, 583
softening and preparing, 378
Ghee, 528
chopping crystallized ginger, 218
working with, 312
correct consistency of glazes, 78
frosting and glazing techniques, 116, 224, 298
Gougères, making, 496
Granola techniques, 48
Granulated sugar, 116
Grape compote techniques, 559
carrots, 231
chocolate, 380, 381
parmesan cheese, 38
zucchini and summer squash, 118
Gratins, layering, 44
Greasing pans, 83
caraway seeds, 470
nuts, 304
rose petals, 206
rye flakes, 470
Hand kneading, 449
Hands, mixing with, 85
“Hats” on soufflés, 36
Hazelnuts (filberts)
general information, 132
storing method, 132
Heat of pans or griddles, 65
Heating knives, 248
leafy, chopping, 484
thyme leaves, picking, 592
Honey, measuring, 196
Icebox cakes, assembly, 398
combining dry ingredients, 570
measuring methods, 570
measuring sticky ingredients, 196
Jalapeños, cutting, 83
Kiwis, cutting, 319
Kneading yeast dough, 449
Knives, hot, 248
Lattice crust techniques, 326–327
Lemon curd
doneness, 138
making, 65
Lemons, zesting and peeling, 138
Lumpy batter, 53
cutting technique, 585
ripeness guide, 584
types of, 585
Measuring methods
beer, 82
berries, 304
sifting ingredients and, 158
spices, 570
sticky ingredients, 196
Melting chocolate, 302
Meringue techniques
disks, 212
making, 315, 590
pavlova techniques, 590
piping, 154–156, 206
spreading, 315
Mincing. See also Cutting and chopping techniques
Molasses, measuring, 196
Monkey bread, assembly, 467
Mousse techniques, 392, 407
Muffin tins, filling, 83
Napoleons, rolling and assembling, 503
Nonstick pans, caring for, 37
almond flour, 162
processing tip, 304
skinning hazelnuts, 457
Oat bran, 120
Oats and oatmeal, types of, 567
Oil, deep-frying, 62
Onions, caramelized, 518
segmenting, 501
zesting and peeling technique, 138
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Pancake techniques
cooking, 65
folding batter, 53
lumpy batter, 53
Pandowdy fruit desserts, 558
cast iron skillet care, 122
dividing batter into by weight, 235
frosting and serving cakes in, 288
greasing, 83
lining with foil, 135
popover pans, filling, 112
popover pans, more information, 111
preparing for cakes, 232
preparing with butter and sugar, 237
removable bottoms, 299, 349
removing cakes from, angel food, 243
removing cakes from, springform, 249
Paprika, smoked, 542
Parchment paper, lining cake pans, 232
Parmesan cheese, 38
Pastry bags, assembling and filling, 205, 245, 525
Pastry cream, making, 319
Pâte à choux, making and piping, 525
Pavlova, creating, 590
Pea-sized butter, 80
peeling, 296
poaching, 563
preparation tips, 108
ripeness guide, 562
Pears, cutting and coring, 122
Peeling peaches, 296
Phyllo (filo) dough
general information, 480
layering and buttering, 492
triangles, assembling, 506
Pie and tart techniques
arranging fruit, 298
blind-baking, 51
crushed cookie crumb crusts, 330
double-crust with cutouts, 364–365
filling tarts, 349
glazing, 298
lattice crust, 326–327
lining tins with dough, 75
pastry cream, making, 319
pie weights, blind baking, 51
press-in crusts, crushed cookies, 300
press-in crusts, tart dough, 360
puff pastry crust, 483
removable bottomed pans, 299, 349
tart pans, 349
Pie plates, rolling dough over, 364–365
Pie weights, blind baking, 51
Pinwheels, assembling and cutting, 486
Piping cookie filling, 170
Piping techniques
cookie decorating, 145–46
éclair shells, 524, 525
filling donut pans, 42
filling molds, 89
French toast pockets, 72
meringue shapes, 154–156, 206
pastry bags, assembling and filling, 205, 525
zip-top bags, filling, 72
Pitting cherries, 322, 578
pizza stones, 544
techniques, 532
Plastic wrap
covering rising bread, 546
pressing on custard or cream (preventing skin), 302
Pleating galette dough, 308
Poaching peaches, 563
Popcorn milk, making and straining, 395
Popover pans
filling, 112
more information, 111
crushed cookie crusts into pans, 300
shortbread dough into pans, 130
tart dough crusts into pans, 360
Pretzel shaping, making techniques, 442
Pricking (docking) cookie dough, 130, 198
Pricking (docking) cracker dough, 537, 538
Pudding and custard techniques. See also Bread pudding techniques; Mousse techniques
assembling and unmolding, 594–595
brûléeing, 386
doneness, 388
making, 388
plastic wrap and, 302
ramekins, 390
skin or no skin preferences, 302
water baths, baking in, 390
Puff pastry
dough shaping, 483, 494
pinwheels, 486
pricking (docking) dough, 537, 538
rough, 502–503
store-bought puff pastry, 486
twists, 522
Pumpkin purée, 401
Quiche techniques, 75
Quick bread-making techniques
filling molds, 89
folding batter, 53
lumpy batter, 53
coating in coconut, 405
filling, 36, 390
inverting, 215
making a souffle “hat,” 36
Raspberries, measuring, 304
Removable bottomed tart pans
more about, 299
unmolding, 349
Rhubarb, 561
Ricotta cheese, 64
Risen dough
deflating, 477
working with after first rise, 445
Roll techniques. See also Bun rolling and shaping
Rolled cake techniques
assembling and decorating, 228–229
preparing, baking, and rolling, 282–283
cookies, 133, 141
cookies with rolling pin bands, 149, 150
dough between parchment, 133
dough over pie plates, 364–365
Rolling pin bands, using, 149, 150
Rolling pins
shaping warm cookies around, 194
technique for cleaning, 501
transferring pie dough with, 364
Ropes, rolling yeast dough into, 432
Rose petals, candied, grinding, 206
Roux, 517
Rugelach, spreading and rolling, 141
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Sanding sugar, coarse, 116
Sandwiching cookies, 133
Scone techniques
cutting in butter, size of, 80
flakiness, 80
shaping, 85
Scooping cookie dough, 125
Scrapers, 502, 549
Scraping dough hooks, 449
Separating eggs, 371
Sesame oil, toasted, 540
Sesame seeds, toasting, 540
Shortcake dough, shaping, 579
Sifting cocoa powder, 158
Skin or no skin, puddings, 302
Skinning hazelnuts, 457
Slab pies, assembling, 352
butter, more about, 233
gelatin, 378
Soufflé techniques
assembling, 384
coating ramekins in coconut, 405
filling ramekins and making a “hat,” 36
Spices, measuring, 570
Spiking and swirling meringue, 315
Sponges and starters, 444, 470
Springform pans, 249
butternut squash, preparing, roasting, mashing, 358
grating zucchini and summer squash, 118
water content and controlling moisture, 118
Star fruit, cutting, 319
sponges, 470
yeast breads, 444
Sticky cakes, cutting, 248
Sticky ingredients, measuring, 196
Sticky pans and utensils, cleaning, 359
Stöllen techniques, 439
Strata, assembling, 44
brown sugar, 116
butter and sugar pan preparation, 237
crushing sugar cubes, 307
storing method, 116
superfine, 589
types of, 116
Superfine sugar, 589
Sweet potatoes, 436
Swirling and spiking meringue, 315
Tart pans, 349
Tart techniques. See also Pie and tart techniques
Tartes, assembling, 575
bread rising temperature, 431
finished bread temperature, 471
testing heat of pans or griddles, 65
Terrines, unmolding, 583
Thyme leaves, picking, 592
Time, bread rising, 431
coconut, 235
sesame seeds, 540
Tongs, slip-free, 400
Tracing on parchment, 232
Triangles, phyllo dough, 506
Turnover techniques
filling, folding, and crimping, 355, 489, 498
fraisage, 549
Twist pastries, making, 522
angel food cakes, 243
cakes on racks, 278
gelatin desserts, 583
puddings, 594–595
ramekins, 215
removable bottomed tart pans, 349
springform pans, 249
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scraping beans, 275
types of, 275
Vegetables, cutting to size, 520
Waffles, making, doneness, 60
Water baths, making, 390
Weighing cake batter, 235
Wheat germ, grinding, 120
Whipped cream, making, 368
Windowpane test (bread dough), 470
Zesting and peeling fruit, 138
Zip-top bags, filling and piping with, 42, 72, 170
Zucchini and summer squash
grating, 118
water content and controlling moisture, 118